We’re excited to announce the SafePet Program, in partnership with Link Toronto and the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association’s SafePet Network. This new offering will provide peace of mind to women and children at Interval House.
We know that a woman is less likely to leave an abuser if it means leaving her beloved pet behind. We have long wanted to remove that barrier to leaving a life of violence and now we have a program that confidentially places the pets of women staying at the shelter in trusted foster homes. The SafePet Program has trained people within partner vet clinics to organize a safe and confidential way for women to deliver their pets to the vet clinic. From there, the SafePet Program places the pets in dependable foster homes until their owners are ready to move into private housing. Women and children can know their loved, furry friends are safe and spend their time at the shelter focusing on their own healing journeys.
Women can access the SafePet program through Interval House’s standard admission and assessment process.