In response to the Montreal Massacre, a group of pro-feminist men in London, Ontario launch the White Ribbon Campaign to raise awareness about the prevalence of male violence against women. Now active in over 60 nations around the globe including Canada, UK, Pakistan, Italy and Australia, White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.

UN introduces International Women’s Year and March 8 becomes an annual celebration of International Women’s Day
The History of IWD
International Women’s Day
Roe vs. Wade, Jan. 23, 1973, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.
Watch Newsy’s video on YouTube for background on the decision.